As a Iife coach I must stand in my integrity at times and drum up the courage to get out of my comfort zone. Just like I ask my clients to. This year I had to do just that, and I almost threw up doing it.
Bob’s lesson about learning how to make things less heavy and to add fun isn’t about shying away from bad things in life or uncomfortable situations. Rather it’s about choosing a perspective.
I’ve never felt like a courageous person. But when you share your stories with others, you begin to see your choices in a different light. You notice that what you viewed as just focus was actually risk taking.
I grew up in a household where everyone was extremely judgemental. I’ve since learned that when we judge others so much we do so as a way to make ourselves feel better. But driving connection with another because you are both judging someone else, isn’t true connection.
For many of us life has become an unconscious placing of one foot in front of the other day after day. A mindset of simply having to get it done, moving through the routine of things. We rarely give any thought to who we are actually being in our lives
Exceptions can be a nasty thing. But we all have them, you just have to be honest enough with yourself to realize this. But what often isn’t natural is having the courage to share them with others.
I have worked with some clients who were at that crossroad in their life. They were approaching retirement or were just on the other side of it. That golden place we are all rushing towards, that place of freedom and choice.