December 29, 2024Published by Linda Bradley on December 29, 2024Categories Book reviewsAtomic Habits – James ClearIt’s been four and a half years since I reviewed a book that would support readers on their personal growth journey. But Atomic Habits by James […]
July 26, 2020Published by Linda Bradley on July 26, 2020Categories Book reviewsLeaders Eat Last – Simon SinekThink you're not a leader, think again. Maybe you believe a leader is someone who runs a company, big or small. Or someone who is responsible for
February 9, 2017Published by Linda Bradley on February 9, 2017Categories Book reviewsThe Relationship Cure – John Gottman PH.DLearning that you don't communicate well after 24 years of marriage can be a hard pill to swallow.
August 29, 2016Published by Linda Bradley on August 29, 2016Categories Book reviewsFeel The Fear… and Do It Anyway – Susan JeffersFear. We’ve all experienced it. Fear of quitting our jobs, leaving a relationship, starting a relationship...
August 9, 2015Published by Linda Bradley on August 9, 2015Categories Book reviewsThe Queen’s Code – Alison ArmstrongAs a woman, have you ever wished there was a manual you could read that would finally help you to understand men?
October 22, 2014Published by Linda Bradley on October 22, 2014Categories Book reviewsNonviolent Communication – NVC – Marshall Rosenberg PH.DHow good of a communicator are you? Do you yell and make judgements or do you listen and empathize with the other person?
July 15, 2014Published by Linda Bradley on July 15, 2014Categories Book reviewsPositive Intelligence – Shirzad ChamineHow often does your mind act as your enemy more than your friend?