One of the first things client’s learn when they start coaching is the power of listening. To be in a safe space with another where they do not feel judgement or blame or are being given advice, has them feel heard.
The Big Life Journal is a tool I wish I would have created myself. A beautifully illustrated book that walks the user through many of the processes one experiences in coaching.
But what’s the real value of coaching for you, the individual. The one focusing on problems in your relationship or the one who hates their job or the one who feels restless in their life.
After all your personal work are you still finding Connection to be elusive in your life? You’ve been working on the 4 Skills to make a friend as well as the 3 Skills for Connection. You’re trying to find ways to meet new people but somehow creating more connection in your life is still elusive
Are you better at prioritizing others over self? It’s an issue that many clients have brought to their coaching conversations. Time and again they place everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. Whether in the hopes of gratitude, appreciation or the belief that it’s the right thing to do, prioritizing others over self can at times come at a cost.
The powerful skills of listening, empathy, curiosity and vulnerability are what school never taught us and here's why it's now important to learn. The amount of disconnection and loneliness that there is in the world at the moment has only continued to grow since the pandemic. The question however is, where does one do that?
I’ve never felt like a courageous person. But when you share your stories with others, you begin to see your choices in a different light. You notice that what you viewed as just focus was actually risk taking.
When we don’t know or recognize our values they can be ignored or compromised. Once clients learn their values they are amazed at how much more clearly they see certain things in their world.