Awakenings Life Coaching

Courage, Communication, Connection

What is Coaching?

Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival - to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.

Steven Covey

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Coaching is my passion, let me share it with you


Courage, Communication, Connection

These three words form the cornerstones of my coaching business and my life.

No matter what your goal, no matter what you are unhappy with in your life, no matter what you want to change you will inevitably need all three of these skills.

The courage to do what you need to do, the communication skills to do it and the ability to make connections with those who will be a part of your journey.

As a life and empowerment coach in Victoria, BC I can help you with all of these.

Did you know that you stand a significantly greater chance of succeeding in achieving your goals if you have an accountability partner?

Did you know that coaches don’t give advice or tell you what to do?

Did you know that many CEO’s have their own coaches?

Imagine what it would be like to celebrate with someone when you achieve your goal or dream. Imagine how it would feel to have that person know exactly the struggles you went through to get to where you are and to share that celebratory moment with you.

Imagine how empowered you would feel when you begin to learn the skills to resolve your struggles in life and no longer hear that negative voice you’ve been listening to all these years.

Imagine a relationship where someone brought their curiosity to you versus their judgement. What would it feel like to finally be heard by another person? Understood at a deeper level?

This is what coaching can do for you.

This is what I can do for you as your coach.

  • Create a safe environment for you to see yourself more clearly.
  • Help you identify gaps between where you are in your life and where and who you want to be in your life.
  • Help you to become more self aware, to look at your behaviours and patterns from a different perspective and to work at changing those that are no longer serving you.
  • To guide you to build structure, accountability and supports in your life that ensure sustained commitment to what you are wanting and to what you are not. If you’re feeling like something is missing in your life or you want to kick things up a notch and see what could be possible if you had someone supporting you on your journey, then you are ready for a coach.


If personal development, having an accountability partner and feeling more empowered are important to you  then you’re ready for a coach.

Taking the leap to work with a coach is a major life changing decision, and that’s exactly why you should do it. It will change your life.

Coaching is my life’s passion. In my practice I work with people who want to find their COURAGE. Who have a desire to change how they COMMUNICATE, in all areas of their lives, so they can create deeper CONNECTIONS in their relationship and feel like they are living a more fulfilling life.

  • Kim  -  Victoria, B.C.
    My coaching experience with Linda was absolutely life-changing. At the beginning, when putting together my coaching goals, I thought I was being unrealistic and I would only be able to scrape the surface of them. Was I ever wrong about that! With Linda’s guidance and support I far surpassed my goals and expectations from coaching. I am happier, more confident, more resilient and more energetic. I have been freed from the things in my life that were weighing me down and trapping me. Linda was a wonderful constant in our coaching relationship. She provided me with so much support, made me feel safe so that I could talk about things I wouldn’t with others, and was always non-judgemental. It was the best self-care experience I’ve had. I grew personally beyond any limit I thought was possible and I owe that all to Linda. Linda will be the first person I turn to the next time I need a little support. 
    Kim - Victoria, B.C.
  • Susan - Southern Gulf Islands, B.C.
    My Son was devastated after a separation from his partner. His confidence was low and he was confused about a new life direction as a father of a 5 year old. Linda to the rescue!!! My son's confidence has been restored and even stronger, he has direction, he has a new loving partner and great skills and self knowledge acquired through Linda's help to move forward into a grand and happy life. Thank you Linda from a Mom who needed help with her son. 
    Susan - Southern Gulf Islands, B.C.
  • Valerie - Vancouver Island
    I came across Linda and her coaching service at a time when I was very “stuck” and finding it difficult to move forward.  I was flip-flopping on whether to return to a career that I didn’t have passion for anymore or striking out to do something totally different.  The answer was not coming easily to me and time was being wasted.  I came across a quote (whose it is I don’t know) that said, “If you want the same results keep doing the same things.”  That quote resonated with me.  I reached out which is something I had never done before and it was the best thing I could have done.  Linda was very welcoming and caring but she got down to business, asking me the hard questions and keeping me accountable.  I can happily say that I am unstuck now and doing things I have wanted to do for a long time and if I get stuck again I know who to ask for help.  Linda is an excellent coach and if you are feeling the way I was feeling she will be able to help you, too.
    Valerie - Vancouver Island
  • Walt -  Wilmington, North Carolina
    Linda is fantastic. She was extremely patient as she pulled information out of me just like an old friend. She knows what questions to ask to get you thinking and to have you face your issues head on. She was very generous with her time and never in a hurry. I could not have been more pleased with how she helped me work through my personal issues. She is a wonderful, compassionate and generally caring coach that brought me back to a point in my life where I am happy again and where I have regained my self worth. Thank you Linda.
    Walt - Wilmington, North Carolina
  • Jenna - Vancouver, BC
    Linda is a wonderful warm, caring, highly intuitive individual who brings these qualities and so much more to each of our coaching sessions. I am so grateful to have her in my life and I truly value our time together. I have been able to see things about myself that I would not have figured if I had not had Linda, She is professional and skilled at what she does but at the same time, it is like sitting down and chatting with an old friend. Many thanks for your time and insights Linda, you are a wonderful soul!
    Jenna - Vancouver, BC
  • Amanda - Vancouver Island
    Coaching has really shone a light on my resistance to connection and exploring the possible source of that resistance. This has been a lifelong challenge that has really eluded me until now. Having Linda ask some hard questions with regards to this has really made me confront the truth around my fear of connection.
    Amanda - Vancouver Island
  • Lisa - Vancouver, BC
    When I was looking for a life coach, it was important to me that they hold me accountable for my actions and provide me with options to move forward. Linda has an amazing way of summing up how I was feeling and provided me with a different outlook on the situation. Each time she would reflect on my journey of where I wanted to be and how far I had come. When I started with Linda I was tired of seeking the advisement of friends and family around my personal life. I felt like I was always complaining with no action plan in place. Once I started to work with Linda I noticed that the time I was spending with family and friends started to become more meaningful because I was no longer complaining about life, instead I was tackling it with attainable strategies and soon celebrating my successes!
    Lisa - Vancouver, BC
  • Lorraine - Sydney, B.C
    Linda has become my new favorite person. Her exceptional coaching skills and mentorship has helped me develop myself with greater awareness, clarity and confidence. I am learning so many new skills and practices of accountability with each session. She helps bring me to my own attention! This is one of the best personal investments I've made in myself and our coaching sessions are a highlight to my week. Thank you Linda.
    Lorraine - Sydney, B.C
  • Onur - Phoenix, Arizona
    Linda has been an exceptional mentor for me especially when advising about interpersonal communication and mindfulness. She is reliable, committed, driven, positive and always there for me. Coaching with her changed my perspective and expanded my horizon in so many different areas from improving my physical health to being a better teacher.
    Onur - Phoenix, Arizona
  • Mimi - Toronto, Ont
    Linda is an amazing coach and has become a valuable addition to my life. She is an attentive listener; and offers valuable reflections, tied in with accountability tasks, and sometimes life experiences. I appreciate the time she takes to celebrate my successes with me, as well as the times she walks me through the difficult times. She is an incredible coach, and an even more incredible person. I value our time together as well as the effort that she puts into it. She really does care about me as a person over top of everything.
    Mimi - Toronto, Ont
  • Mark - Parksville, BC
    Linda is an excellent life coach who is extremely perceptive, a wonderful listener and a great accountability partner. Linda has a lovely mix of professionalism together with a great sense of fun and real zest for life which makes working with her a joy. I highly recommend her!
    Mark - Parksville, BC
  • Uzay Victoria, BC
    Linda is an excellent communication coach! I have learned so much from her about communication, perhaps about living a fulfilling life in general. Particularly I found her knowledge on Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent/Compassionate Communication very valuable to cultivate my family, work and social relationships. She is wise and caring; and absolutely passionate about my personal growth. Her non-directive coaching style worked so well for me, helping me to find out my goals and appropriate plans to achieve them. I wish I had known her before, and highly recommend her to others with a growth mindset.
    Uzay Victoria, BC
  • Jennifer - Victoria, BC
    Linda reminded me of the tools I have and offered new ones to get me on track – recognizing and planning toward my goals. Linda has enthusiasm and positive energy which supported my process. Excellent coach!
    Jennifer - Victoria, BC

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