
November 13, 2023

Still finding Connection to be elusive? The key may be the Third Place.

After all your personal work are you still finding Connection to be elusive in your life? You’ve been working on the  4 Skills to make a friend as well as the 3 Skills for Connection. You’re trying to find ways to meet new people but somehow creating more connection in your life is still elusive
August 15, 2022

Are you too Judgemental? Part 2. How to be more compassionate.

When we hold the belief that our way is the only right way we are judging others on their morals. When we could instead choose the skill of curiosity and choose to learn more rather than to show up in a place of judgement.
July 14, 2022

Becoming a more compassionate communicator. Or, are you too judgemental?

I grew up in a household where everyone was extremely judgemental. I’ve since learned that when we judge others so much we do so as a way to make ourselves feel better. But driving connection with another because you are both judging someone else, isn’t true connection.
December 6, 2020

Are you a Fixer? 4 Steps to Stop the Need to Fix Things

The need to fix things. Over the past few months I have had a few clients bring this up in our coaching sessions. I think it’s a topic worth digging into because I’m guessing you may be one of those “fixers” too.
May 25, 2020

If you’re 45 or over, you need to read this.

I have worked with some clients who were at that crossroad in their life. They were approaching retirement or were just on the other side of it. That golden place we are all rushing towards, that place of freedom and choice.
April 26, 2020

Online meetings. How to drive a connection.

So how’s it going for you as we enter into week 7 of self isolation and working from home due to COVID -19? If you are anything like me you’re probably really feeling the lack of connection with people in your life.