
Are you are feeling stuck, discontented, off balance or unmotivated ?
Coaching will guide you through, not around, each of these feelings and have you come out the other side being more of the person you always knew you were. We will work on developing your skill of self-observation thus becoming aware of your habits and when certain tendencies arise.
Self-observation is critical in building change that you can sustain and using coaching we develop this with your learning rather than your performance. Though there are performance coaches, that is not my focus with clients.
Click the PDF quiz below to see how coaching differs from therapy, mentoring and consulting. Discover if coaching is right for you.
What will coaching do for me?
- Discover what it is you really want in your life, and how to begin working towards it.
- Provide a partner to hold the “big picture” for you when daily life can get you bogged down with details.
- Help to get you unstuck from your current perspective and help you to understand how it may be holding you back.
- Be your accountability partner as you work towards achieving that more fulfilling life you always dreamed of.
- Provide you with someone to listen, nurture and support you without judgment, allowing you to be vulnerable and honest with yourself, creating space to grow.

What will we do in coaching?
We start by learning what you values are. Are you aware of them, do you make your daily decisions with them in mind or are you professing them versus living true to them. This begin to open the doors to a more fulfilling life.
We will discover more about that voice inside that always sabotages you when you think about trying something new and we will discover a new voice, one that you perhaps have not listened to in a very long time. "Life can be a daring adventure," as Helen Keller once said, the question is, are you ready to go after it?
As a certified coach through The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and a PCC coach with the ICF (International Coaching Federation), I will support you by challenging your current perspective, which may be keeping you stuck, and by believing in your even when you struggle to believe in yourself.
With me as your coach you will have a new thinking partner as I help you think in a way you cannot do on your own.
I’m not just helping you make decisions and plans, I am helping you understand why you are struggling to make decisions and plans.
By holding a safe place, meaning one with no judgement or blame, for you to speak and express yourself I assist by taking you from where you are in your life right now to where you want to be, who you want to be.
It’s my job to empower you, to assist you to reach your highest level in your personal or professional development. I see your potential, share my resources with you and demonstrate that I believe in you completely. When was the last time you felt empowered?

Who are Ideal Clients for Life Coaches
Life Coaches typically desire to work with someone who has a yearning for more success and fulfillment, increased health/well-being, enriched quality of life, is motivated to do their personal work to get there, and someone who wants to make a positive difference for others.
Typical Client Issues
This is a brief summary of what clients typically bring too coaching. It is not an exhaustive list but it gives an overview of what some coaching focuses can be.
Achieving Goals
- Starting a business
- Increasing income
- Planning Retirement
- Publishing a book
- Fulfill a dream
Getting Unstuck
- In life
- In a job or career
- In achieving his/her potential
- In managing work/life balance
- Clarifying what he/she really wants
Attaining Greater Happiness
- Discovering vision, purpose & values
- Getting to what really matters
- Igniting/re-igniting passion
- Finding more joy
Making Changes
- Overcoming fears
- Changing limiting habits
- Re-inventing self
- Making a transition (relationship, career, lifestyle)
Finding Balance
- Achieving peace/contentment
- Increasing work/life balance
- Taking control of life
- Learning to live more on purpose
Improving Self-Care/Well-being
- Establishing better health habits
- Increasing confidence, self-worth, self-esteem
- Overcoming overwhelm
- Reducing/Managing stress
Fulfilling Potential
- Clearing roadblocks
- Accomplishing goals
- Gaining confidence
- Unleashing creativity
- Pursuing personal/spiritual growth
Enhancing Relationships
- Improving interpersonal communications
- Deepening intimacy
- Expanding circle of support
- Building friendships
- Learning partnership
As a life coach in Victoria BC I offer a free 30 minute sample session to get a taste of what coaching feels like and to see if we are a good fit. Establishing a good connection and the ability to communicate well with each other are key to a strong coaching relationship.
So go ahead, click that purple CONTACT button on the right and set up a time for us to chat.
You have nothing to lose and your life to gain back.