Change Management. Why coaching will help.
January 17, 2021
Why do people work with a coach?
July 4, 2021What’s in a name?
If you’ve ever started your own business you know that one of the difficult things to do, at the beginning, is decide on what to name your business. You’ll probably bat ideas around for weeks.
When it came to deciding what I wanted to call my coaching practice I knew from the first moment what it would be.
If you’ve read my bio on my website you’ll know how I discovered coaching. It was through that experience that I felt I really began to wake up and become more conscious of how I was, or was not, participating in creating my own life. That coaching experience made me realize that I wanted to help others wake up to their own lives. That “ah ha” moment was addictive and I wanted to be able to help others have it, just like I had. I wanted them to have “awakenings” too.
For the past eight years I have been coaching individuals towards just that. I still love what I do.
It’s a coach’s job to create awareness in their clients. To help them see their blind spots and then, with that awareness, have them feel empowered to make a choice that resonates with them. One they can own and commit too.
As coaches we become our clients thinking partners. We help them think in a way they can’t do on their own. Often times people will turn to our significant other for this support. But too often they are too close to us and our habits and beliefs to be able to give us what we really are reaching out for. When I work with a client I am not just helping them make decisions and plans, I am helping them understand why they are struggling to make their decisions and plans. This is why I chose Awakenings Life Coaching. It is a statement of what I do.
Have you ever felt like you are blindly trudging along in your life day after day? Repeating the same rhythm over and over? Then one day something hits you differently. You reach a turning point, either on your own or it happens to you. Maybe an illness, a death, loss of job, marriage, child leaves home, middle age or losing a year of your life to COVID restrictions. Whatever the catalyst for you there was a shift. A small awareness that said, “ok, it’s time to do something differently.” This is the time for a coach.
If you’ve reached a stage where you feel your eyes have begun to be aware of something different. Where you want to be able to hold onto this new feeling but you don’t know how to do it on your own, then you’re ready for a thinking partner. You’re ready to have an awakening with a coach.
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