Values drive our every decision. Why is knowing them so important?
October 14, 2022
My courage journey. Learning to take risks and why I help others do the same.
February 21, 2023Is your New Year’s resolution shot already? Do you find the same thing every January, that success is rarely achievable? Succeeding at your New Year’s resolution may be easier than you think.
Each January we all decide now is the time I’m going to actually tackle these items on my wish list. Be it a weight loss goal, drinking less, changing eating habits, dating again, changing jobs, the list goes on. We believe that the turning of the calendar page from December to January will magically have us stick to our resolution. But for so many success is out of reach.
The word resolution is defined as: a firm decision to do or not do something. The quality of being determined. So when the calendar turned over to January 1 had you made a firm decision? Is determination one of your strong character traits? What did you do to ensure that you would actually be successful in fulfilling your New Year’s resolution this time?
As a life coach I believe there are several reasons people may not find success in their New Year’s resolutions.
- No one to hold you accountable
- To easily distracted (Twitter, Facebook, Netflix)
- No work on how this goal lines up with your values
- Answering the question, Why now?
Being accountable to someone gives us a significantly greater chance of success. Think of Weight Watchers. It works because you attend a weekly meeting and are accountable to your team leader each week when you stand on that scale and track your weight in front of them. Attending the meeting has you spending time with others who have the same goal as you. Working with a coach also gives you greater success because you are regularly checking in with someone on your progress. Readjusting or realigning when needed.
Sorry to say this but your cell phone may be another reason success is elusive. The dopamine hit is addictive and hard to resist. Losing weight, changing jobs, dating again are all hard work. The dopamine hit comes at the end. With our cell phones and computers, the dopamine hit is instant. Learning to fight this urge will help to have greater success.
Did you spend any time thinking about how your values align with your goal? Working with a coach to first learn, what are your values and then second am I making choices and decision based on those values, can also help you be more successful in achieving your goal.
What was it, besides the fact every one else is doing it on January 1, that has you want to start working towards this goal now? What stopped you from working towards it 3 months ago. Or 6 months ago? Do you have that determination right now that defines the word resolution? What is important about this goal right now?
If being held accountable to your goals and dreams is what you know you are needing and you have no idea what your values are or why they are important to you, it might be time to chat with a coach. Many coaches offer a free 30 minute sample session. This allows you to find the coach who’s a good fit for you. Choosing the right accountability partner is important to your success.
This can be the year things change in your life. And just because it’s mid January, you don’t have to feel that you’ve already shot this year’s resolution.