Men… why won’t they talk?
January 19, 2014Is it the coach or the client who benefits the most from the coaching relationship? This month, as the year comes to a close, I cannot help but reflect on all that I have learned in this year. It has often come to my mind this year, when working with my amazing clients, do they know how much I benefit from the experience of coaching them?
I tell all of my clients what a privilege it is to be their coach. To be allowed so deeply into their personal lives. To go to places inside of them where they have perhaps never allowed anyone to see. I am grateful for that opportunity every day. But what I don’t think they know is how much they also teach me.
Many people have that pre-conceived belief that their coach, mentor or counsellor has all the answers, has it figured out. We don’t. We are human beings as well, continuing to work on our own personal growth. Often our client’s may be going through similar experiences to ourselves. By listening deeply to their feelings and experiences we can learn how to perhaps handle our own unique situations better because of the vulnerability of our clients.
As I hear my client’s working on their communication skills, I continue to work on mine. I hear them struggle with their saboteur on a regular basis, I think about my own. When I celebrate with them their many accomplishments I am reminded of my own. For in the end the one thing we have in common is that we are all human beings trying to do the best we can on this planet.
To answer the question of is it coach or client who benefits the most, the answer isn’t black or white. So to my clients of the past year, I want to say thank you. I am so grateful for having you in my life and for what you have taught me. I look forward to the new experiences that 2014 will bring me as a coach. What do you look forward to?